SCOUTLOOK '24 AUGUST 11 TO 17, 2024


ScoutLook Wliderness Camp is a week-long camp for Scouts who want to experience and learn about back-country camping. ScoutLook is also open to Cub Scouts who have completed the three year Cub program and will be at least 10 1/2 years old prior to the start of the camp. ScoutLook starts on the first Sunday after Manitoba's August Civic Holiday and runs to the following Saturday.

ScoutLook operates out of Scouts Canada's Alloway Wilderness Reserver which is located on the south shore of Big Whiteshell Lake in Manitoba's Whiteshell Provincial Park and is approximately 160km northeast of Winnipeg, Manitoba.

ScoutLook activites are aligned with the six program areas of the Scouts Canada Canadian Path program. With activities that include back-country camping, canoeing, first aid, knots and lashing, cooking, water treament, map and compass, GPS and Leave-No-Trace ethics, Scouts learn enviromental stewardship, leadership skills, creativity, teamwork, respect for others and the benefits of an active and healthy lifestyle.

ScoutLook is an excellent opportunity for Venturer Scouts, Rover Scouts and adult Scouters who are looking to become a part of the ScoutLook leadership team by providing Offer of Service as youth councillors, activity leaders and camp operations.

Have a question? Contact the ScoutLook Team

Scoutlook '23